Documentation Services
Our library and archive services aim to conserve and disseminate Galicia’s bibliographic and documentary heritage.
Particularly outstanding among its holdings are the Martínez-Barbeito Library, the García-Sabadell Library, the Said Armesto Archive, the Barrié Foundation’s multimedia archive of its own activities, and the foundation’s publishing archive.
At present it has a catalogue of 40,000 volumes of monographs and periodical publications. It is accessible for research and documentation, whether by researchers with institutional affiliation (who must accredit their affiliation with an academic or specialized institution) or independent researchers (who must register by supplying personal identification and the subject of their research.)
- On-site research (prior appointment required). It is possible to schedule an advance meeting in order to determine which material will be accessed and to consult with a librarian.
- Bibliographic and reference guidance. The library staff offers support concerning the contents of the library’s holdings and in order to identify materials of interest to each researcher, as well as assistance in using the catalog, reference works, etc.
- Bibliographic information service (via email) concerning the library’s holdings and the services it offers.
- Reproduction services.
Hours of operation and research support
Monday to Thursday 9:30 to 14:00
The library is closed in August.
Telephone: 981 06 00 90
Email: biblio@fbarrie.org
Biblioteca de la Fundación